How do I change the roll header image?
The rolls are assigned an abstract and random image by default that you can change for another image that is more representative of the general theme of the roll. The new image must be larger than 1500x500 pixels, depending on the size you will have room to reframe or resize the image within the bounding box.
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Select the roll
First, you must select the roll you want to change the header photo of by clicking on the CUSTOMISE button on the roll (represented by a gear or cogwheel icon).
Roll settings
Then click on the SET button on the roll (represented by the icon of some vertical scroll bars).
Edit settings
Check that the GENERAL tab is selected. In this section you will see a reduced image of the current header image and above it the EDIT button (represented by a pencil icon). Click on this button to select the new image in the gallery of your device. Then resize or reframe the selected image and click on SAVE.
In addition, you will have noticed that in this same section you can change the title of the roll or vary its capacity within the possibilities of your account.